If Roger eats okra it causes him to fart highly toxic gases. Other Abilities: If Roger and his species stops being a jerk completely and start acting too nicely, his "bitchiness" starts to bile in his body and poisons him to the point of slowly and painfully killing him.He can even sue this power to resuscitate people as well as stop their hearts. Limited Electrokinesis: According to Roger, his species is 60% electricity, and can generate concentrated electrical blasts through his finger tips.Roger's abilities to access the dreams of individuals can even be used by entities in the dream realm as a conduit to exit the dream realm and enter the earth. Dream Walking: Roger can use his powers to enter the dreams of sleeping individuals as well as interact with entities within the dream realm.This has been noted to be the main reason why he can swap personas mid-sentence without difficulties. Superhuman Speed: Roger has even on occasion displayed his power to move at incredibly high speeds and can appear to be a blur to the naked eye.He can also use it to hang from the ceiling. Superhuman Legs: Roger also has superhumanly strong legs and his legs can generate enough muscle power to easily push an entire tree with his legs alone.He has even had his 1600th birthday in the Smith household. Superhuman Longevity: Roger has an extended lifespan and is more than 1600 years old.When Francine served his body parts to wild animals, he mentioned his body will grow back eventually. However, he did mention that his arms did not fully regenerate yet. By the next year he had already regenerated new arms. Regenerative Abilities: When Roger faked his death to detach himself from the Smith family he stated that the explosion injured him badly and his arms had blown off.Roger's physiology is also immune to the psychological effects of the Collector's technology.

Stan and Roger took advantage of this to use Roger's body as a paddleboat to escape the small island.

Roger can easily survive in the vacuum of space and being shocked by electricity. Roger has even shown to be flame retardant, although he does feel the pain of being burnt.

It was shown that Roger can sleep in a state of suicidal hanging. He has survived falling from great heights, drowning and a variety of vehicular accidents. Superhuman Survivability: While not resilient to ballistic damage or knife wounds, Roger has displayed inhuman durability and resistance to physical trauma.Roger is an alien and despite his human tendencies he does display superhuman abilities. However, there is justification for his behavior as it was revealed his species need to be jerks or their tendencies otherwise build up as bile and kill them. Roger is also shown to be a dangerous and scatterbrained sociopath committing many offenses in his various personas. Roger also has a history of holding grudges as he tried to kill the rest of the Smith Family for insulting him at a comedy roast by starting a gas leak causing an explosion, hiring a hitman to kill them and removing the brakes from Stan's vehicle and writing death threats to Merlin Olsen for seven years after Father Murphy was canceled. He once convinced Steve Smith he was adopted as his revenge for Steve eating the last cookie. He is also a violent and homicidal sociopath with a love for character role-play. Roger is sarcastic, irritable, argumentative, disrespectful, impolite, obnoxious, destructive, childish, petty and cruel. Speculation exists regarding Roger's sexuality, but the discussion might be moot as he is an alien (his name may come from the word "androgynous" which means having both male and female traits). Roger describes himself as a "fey pansexual alcoholic non-human". He resembles a stereotypical gray alien with big oval-shaped eyes, short stubby feet and a chubby waist.